Is the Regulatory Pendulum Still Swinging Higher?
We all know that regulatory zeal, as with so many things in life, has an arc—sometimes reaching high points and sometimes retreating....
FSOC Report Pinpoints Critical Risks
Last week the Financial Stability Oversight Council published its fourth annual report in which it discussed significant risks,...
Leaving Alpha with the Taxman
Funds and investors who invest outside of their home country may be leaving money from withheld taxes on the table. Moreover, a recent...
Cybersecurity: Scary Bugs and Scary Regulators
The media was abuzz last week about one of the biggest threats to website security in quite some time. Dubbed “Heartbleed,” the bug...
The “Inevitable” Cyber-Attack: Are You Prepared?
Recently, SEC Commissioner Luis Aguilar stated that a major cyber-attack is "inevitable". His sense of urgency was underscored with a...
Not Impacted by Crimea? Two Knock-ons to Consider Now
With the situation in Ukraine turning more serious by the moment, even those who believe they have no exposure to Russia may be...
Six Steps = Confidence in Your Compliance Program
We often wonder why so much angst exists about whether a firm has an adequate compliance program. The requirements are relatively...
How to Turn an Error into an Enforcement Proceeding
A recent settlement involving coding errors and cross trades provides a case study of what notto do when issues and errors are identified...
What to do When Your PM Wants to Raise Capital Overseas
Fundraising is the lifeblood of any firm and the temptation is great to hop on a plane to land that big ticket. The marketing team wants...
Will Bank Regulators Place Alternative Funds on a Leverage Diet?
It is no secret that we think many in the investment management industry are asleep at the switch when it comes to the issue of...